Just like many of you, flying in the X-Plane environment is both exhilarating and relaxing at the same time. There are not many moments in my daily life that I can sit back, marvel and scenery and realize that I am truly "flying" or at least learning how to "fly/control" a multi-million dollar aircraft.
Especially, during the COVID-Era, travel within the X-Plane world has brought added joy you me, as well as those that I share across live stream, Zoom, FB, etc. There are not too many flights during which I don't take at least 20 different screen captures of my take-off, flight, interesting scenery or landing. Don't you? Well, that is why BRAVO 737 is hosting our May Friday Photo Day contest. The rules are really simple and the prize are cool!
Showcase your best photos of flights in BRAVO 737 House Livery and send to us in May for a chance to win B737 Merch!
The rules are easy. Simply fly the official BRAVO 737 House Livery in either the Zibo 737, Fly JSIM 737-200 or the stock Laminar Research 737. While you are flying, taxiing, or just sitting on the ground, take your best screen capture of your aircraft.
After you take your favorite, upload them using the form below. Entrants may submit one picture a day. Each Friday in May (May 7, 14, 21 and 28) a pic will be chosen. The winning photos will receive a BRAVO 737 T-Shirt.
If you submit your photo and post about it online (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and tag BRAVO737 and use the hashtag #IFLYBRAVO737, take a screen cap of the post and submit it too, you will automatically be entered into an additional drawing for a $25 USD Amazon Gift Card.
So, take your best screen cap for to possibly win a T-Shirt and post about it and submit a screen cap of your post for an additional drawing for a $25 USD Amazon Gift Card.
That's it! Show us your best screen caps in the BRAVO 737 livery for a chance to win! Happy flights!