During the COVID Pandemic, many either discovered or re-discovered the thrill of flight simulation. Now obviously, I enjoy X-Plane 11 and all of the add-ons, but as most know, even Microsoft unveiled their venerable eye candy simulator late in 2020. The true fact is, simulation is a grand escape and no matter what software you use, it allows for an amazing adventure!
What I think most enjoy is the freedom to get into an airplane, general aviation, helicopter, military or commercial aviation and literally explore the world. Couple this normal simulation freedom with many who were quarantined in their homes and you could not have asked for a better formula for flight simulation nirvana.
As most enjoyed Zoom cocktail hours, I was fortunate enough to utilize the Zoom platform to take several of my friends on a virtual flight. Some flights were just as normal as if they were stepping onto a modern-day jet liner. Others requested a step back in time, so firing up the 737-200 in an airline lost to the 1970s was just the ticket. Either way, the excitement of going someplace new was captured, although just a faint spark, but still...it was there.
While our globe comes out of the economic and psychological slumber of 2020, let us not forget our old friend the flight simulator. Sure, we may have more work, more chores or more distractions now that things are coming back to "normal" but be certain, that computer, yoke, joystick, rudder pedal and headset will all be there waiting when you need a quick getaway!